The following IP Cores are available for licensing from C-DAC:

1.Processor IPs

  1. VEGA ET1031 (32-bit single core 3-stage in-order RISC-V processor)
  2. VEGA AT1051 (32-bit single core 5-stage in-order RISC-V processor)
  3. VEGA AS1061 (64-bit single core 6-stage in-order RISC-V processor)
  4. VEGA AS1161 (64-bit single core 16-stage pipeline out-of-order RISC-V processor)
  5. VEGA AS2161 (64-bit dual core 16-stage pipeline out-of-order RISC-V processor)
  6. VEGA AS4161 (64-bit quad core 16-stage pipeline out-of-order RISC-V processor)

2. System IPs

  1. ERPLIC - Interrupt Controller
  2. ERDMA - Direct Memory Access Controller

3. Peripheral IPs

  1. EROTG1 – USB2.0 On-the-Go Controller
  2. ERUSBHC – USB2.0 Host Controller
  3. ERUSB2 – USB2.0 Function Controller
  4. ERMAC - Ethernet Media Access Controller (10/100 Mbps)
  5. ERGMAC - Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller
  6. ERTIMER - Configurable Timer
  7. ER16C450 – UART
  8. ERSPI - SPI Controller
  9. ERI2C - I2C Controller
  10. ERPWM - PWM Controller
  11. ERGPIO - GPIO Controller
  12. ERSDHOST - SD Host Controller
  13. ERQSPI - QSPI Controller
  14. ERSMC - Static Memory Controller (SRAM/NOR)

Note: Only selected IPs from the above list are available for licensing to Academic institutions.