GCON-VEGATHON is a hardware hackathon event organized by IEEE India Council in collaboration with C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) and IIT Guwahati under IEEE Guwhati Sub-section, as a part of IEEE-GCON 2023 (https://event.iitg.ac.in/GCON2023/). This event will enable students and technology enthusiasts to build applications using the indigenously developed VEGA Microprocessor based ARIES development boards. GCON-VEGATHON is a two-month long event where participants should develop a product which will be showcased in the IEEE-GCON 2023 conference. Winners will be announced in GCON 2023.
About DIR-V VEGA Microprocessor
DIR-V VEGA processor is a series of microprocessors including India’s first indigenous 64-bit multi-core RISC-V based superscalar Out-of-order Processor. The VEGA series of microprocessors has been developed in soft IP form, viz. 32-bit single-core (in-order), 64-bit single-core (in-order & out- of-order), 64-bit dual-core (out-of-order), and 64-bit quad-core (out-of-order). These high performance processors are based on the open source RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture with multilevel caches, memory management unit and coherent interconnect. The fabrication of the first DIR-V VEGA processor based SoC ‘THEJAS32’ has been successfully completed and the tapeout of other VEGA SoCs are scheduled.
All the participants must be Indian Nationals and students pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate & Doctoral degrees in engineering discipline with Indian Colleges and Universities. Team shall comprise of a maximum of 3 students and should develop their application using VEGA Microprocessor based ARIES development boards from C-DAC.
Healthcare, Agriculture, Robotics etc.
Contest Structure
The Contest is divided into 4 major stages:
Stage | Timeline |
Registration | 1st May – |
Ideate | 5th May – |
Initial Evaluation | 15th May – 18th May 2023 List of shortlisted teams |
POC Development | 18th May – 8th June 2023 |
Mid Evaluation (online) | |
Final Evaluation | 24th June 2023 at IIT Guwahati List of WINNERS |
1. Registration
All the participating teams meeting the Eligibility Criteria are expected to register on or before 10th May 2023 16th May 2023 at portal. Participating students to get approval from their respective College as applicable and submit the documents. Teams completing the registration process will enter into the next stage.
2. Ideate
- Understand the technical details by going through the Tutorials/Youtube videos/Website.
- Submit the detailed Proposal on or before
12th May 202318th May 2023.
The submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts and based on the innovation and feasibility of the Idea, teams will be shortlisted for the next stage. The announcement of the 15 Teams shortlisted for the POC Development Stage will be made by 18th May 2023.
3. POC Development
- Each shortlisted Team will be provided with the VEGA Processor based ARIES development board.
- Students have to buy the required sensors/interfacing modules for POC.
- All teams should demonstrate the POC during mid evaluation.
The POC will be reviewed by a panel of domain experts and the announcement for the top 5 teams selected for the Finals will be made by 10th June 2023.
* Certificates will be issued to all teams who successfully demonstrate the POC.
4. Finals
- All Finalists will be invited to demonstrate their prototype in the Final Evaluation event on 24th June 2023 at IIT Guwahati.
- Each Finalist team will be provided 3rd class AC tickets to travel to IIT Guwahati.
Top 2 Teams will be announced in GCON 2023 at IIT Guwahati in June 2023 for the following awards:
- Rs. 25000 to the Winning Team
- Rs. 15000 to 1st Runner-up Team
Important dates
Stage | Timeline |
Registration | 1st May – |
Ideate | 5th May – |
Initial Evaluation | 15th May – 18th May 2023 |
POC Development | 18th May – 8th June 2023 |
Mid Evaluation (online) | |
Final Evaluation | 24th June 2023 at IIT Guwahati |
Contact details
Official Mail Id - gconvegathon@gmail.com
- Sherin M A, C-DAC - +91 9566047696
- Syam Sankar, IITG - +91 8086720131
- Lissiyas Antony, IITG - +91 9947896321