
This guide will provide you with a step by step walk-through of running a software on VEGA based development boards.




Setup VEGA Ecosystem

Gitlab Access

Create a new account/Login in gitlab.com, Sent a “Request Access” in VEGA repository[ https://gitlab.com/cdac-vega ] to access and install VEGA SDK & Tools. Please view the below video to know more about the gitlab access and account creation.

Clone SDK & Tools

Once your gitlab access is granted, you can see repositories listed in CDAC-VEGA gitlab page

CDAC VEGA Repository

Now, download the VEGA SDK by using git and clone its repository using the below command in Ubuntu PC

git clone --recursive https://gitlab.com/cdac-vega/vega-sdk.git

Also download the VEGA Tools using the below command

git clone --recursive https://gitlab.com/cdac-vega/vega-tools.git

After cloning is completed(this may take some time), you can see “vega-sdk”, “vega-tools” folders in your working directory.

Install SDK & Tools

To install SDK & Tools, first you need to setup the environment file by executing the setup-env.sh in “vega-tools”.

cd vega-tools

Also to setup the “vega-sdk”, execute the script “setup-thejas32.sh” for THEJAS32 SoC and “setup-thejas64.sh” for THEJAS64 SoC. During the sdk installation all necessary libraries required to build the programs will install automatically.

cd ../vega-sdk

git checkout aries

Now the toolchain and SDK path environments are ready.

Build sample programs

Now you can build all the examples provided in example folder using the following command:


You can clean the builds using the clean command like:

make clean

All the examples programs are built and now we can look in to one sample program in examples/uart/hello_world. There, you can see the hello.c and Makefile. The build folder contains the executable file of hello_world program

You can clean the executable using clean command:

cd examples/uart/hello_world
make clean

You can build this program alone by using the make command in this folder.


Connect the board to PC

The basic connection of the board can be observed in the image below. As seen in the figure, you have to connect a micro USB to the connector J10. For more details about the board powering up please visit Setting Up The Board

Micro USB Connection

If everything is correct, you can see the bootloader in the minicom using the below command in terminal

sudo minicom aries

Now you can see the minicom terminal opened and the board uart terminal is ready.

Run a program in board

Use CTRL+A S to enter file sending menu and select xmodem by pressing Enter.

| zmodem    |
| ymodem    |
|>xmodem<   |
| kermit    |
| ascii     |

In the next window, with space bar select the .bin file to be transferred, by pressing Enter, transfer process starts.

Wait until the process is completed. The screen should display how much data has been transferred.

After completing transfer the Program will start to execute.

For more details please visit Running Program on Target Board

For more details, Please watch our video tutorial :

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