In this tutorial, we will see how we can interface TTP223B touch sensor module to ARIES v3 board. Touch sensor also known as tactile sensor is used in detecting and recording physical touch. It is commonly used in robots for enabling basic movement and the ability to detect touch in its surroundings, smartphones, automotive, industrial applications.

Touch Sensor

Touch sensor is a small and low-cost sensor made to replace old mechanical switches seen in the past. It works like a switch, where when there’s contact, touch, or pressure on the surface of a touch sensor, it opens up an electrical circuit and allows currents to flow through it.


Components Required

  • ARIES v3.0 Board
  • USB type C to USB type A cable
  • Touch sensor
  • Jumper Wires

Circuit Diagram


Touch SensorARIES V3 board
Connection pins of Touch sensor & ARIES v3.0 Board


Open and set up the Arduino IDE as described in Getting Started with ARIES v3.0.

  • Make sure you have selected ARIES v3 Board from Tools -> Board -> VEGA Processor: ARIES Boards -> ARIES v3
  • Select Tools -> Flash Mode -> Enabled
  • Select Programmer as VEGA FLASHER from Tools -> Programmer -> VEGA FLASHER
  • Also select appropriate port from Tools -> Port -> COM* (ARIES Board)

Now, Open Files -> Examples -> Under Examples for ARIES v3 -> GPIO-> touch_sensor

Finally Upload the code to ARIES v3.0 board


“Sensor is touched” message will be display and green led will blink if sensor get touched

When sensor is not touched Internal GREEN LED is in OFF state

When sensor is touched Internal GREEN LED is in ON state

Open the serial monitor in 115200 baud rate and it will display the message “sensor is touched” when you touch the sensor.


By mydhily

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