VEGA Microprocessors
C-DAC has successfully developed VEGA series of microprocessors in soft IP form, viz. 32-bit single-core (in-order), 64-bit single-core (in-order & out-of-order), 64-bit dual-core (out-of-order), and 64-bit quad-core (out-of-order). These high performance processors are based on the open source RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture with Multilevel Caches, Memory Management Unit and Coherent Interconnect. The Processor IP have been integrated with a wide range of indigenously developed Silicon proven system and peripheral IPs and ported on FPGA development platforms, Linux/FreeRTOS ported, and performance demonstrated by benchmarking and executing various applications. Face detection, object detection, seamless image merging, and media server are some of the applications successfully ported. Also, Linux with X-Windows (GUI based Linux) and Network File System (NFS) was booted successfully with monitor, keyboard, and mouse interfaced to the 64-bit single-core processor ported on FPGA Development Platform.
For more details please visit :
VEGA User Guide : A complete guide about the VEGA RISC-V processors that describes address maps, pin map, board setup, build a program and run on the target board.
VEGA SDK User Guide : A complete guide on how to setup the SDK and how to build an embedded application and run on the target device.
VEGA API documentation : Documentation contains the details of BSP drivers and example programs included in VEGA SDK.
Tutorial videos
Many tutorial videos are included in YouTube channel for the VEGA Microprocessors developed by C-DAC. This channel has presentations and tutorial videos related to the indigenous VEGA microprocessors and its ecosystem. Please visit our YouTube channel for more details :

SDK & Tools Repository
This Gitlab repository contains SDK, Toolchain, Operating systems and docs fodler. The repository is private and you can request access and once it is approved you can clone both sdk & tools. The steps to setup SDK & Tools are provided in “Let’s get started with VEGA”

Discussion forum
Discussion Forum on topics related to VEGA processor. Please visit our forum in